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Why is MOSHC vegetarian?

Key Points

  • MOSHC is vegetarian because it is sustainable, promotes animal welfare, is healthy, and is inclusive of the diverse dietary requirements of our community.

As the world becomes more conscious of the impact of our choices on the environment and our health, many people are turning to vegetarianism as a way to promote sustainability, reduce animal cruelty, and improve their own health. Going vegetarian means cutting out meat, poultry, and fish from your diet, and instead focusing on plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. Let's explore some of the many benefits of a vegetarian diet.

Sustainability and Water Use

One of the primary benefits of a vegetarian diet is its positive impact on the environment. Animal agriculture is a leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution. By choosing to eat plant-based foods instead of meat, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and help preserve our planet for future generations. According to the Water Footprint Network, it takes an average of 15,415 liters of water to produce one kilogram of beef, compared to just 322 liters for one kilogram of vegetables. By going vegetarian, you can significantly reduce your water usage and help conserve this precious resource.

Animal Welfare

Another benefit of a vegetarian diet is the reduction of animal cruelty. Factory farming practices often involve inhumane treatment of animals, including confinement in small spaces, routine use of antibiotics, and painful procedures such as dehorning and castration. By choosing to avoid meat, you can help reduce demand for these products and support more ethical and sustainable farming practices.

Healthy Eating

A vegetarian diet can also be a very healthy way to eat. Plant-based foods are rich in nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer. Vegetarian diets are also typically lower in saturated fat and cholesterol than diets that include meat, which can lead to improved heart health.

Inclusive Dietary Needs of the Community

Finally, a vegetarian diet can be an inclusive way of eating, accommodating the dietary needs of a variety of individuals. For example, many people choose a vegetarian diet for religious or cultural reasons, while others may have allergies or intolerances to certain types of meat or animal products. A vegetarian diet can be a great way to ensure that everyone in your community has access to healthy and delicious food options.

In conclusion, there are many benefits to choosing a vegetarian diet. From promoting sustainability and reducing animal cruelty to improving our own health and accommodating diverse dietary needs, going vegetarian is a positive and impactful choice that MOSHC has made. So why not try swapping out your meat-based meals for some delicious plant-based options today? Check out our menu for an endless list of vegetarian recipe ideas!


  1. Water Footprint Network. (2022). Water footprint of crops and animal products. Retrieved from

  2. American Heart Association. (2021). Vegetarian diets. Retrieved from


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